Rotary Eco-Trail - O'Neill's Nature Preserve

Rotary Eco-Trail - O'Neill's Nature Preserve - Master Head Image 1
Rotary Eco-Trail - O'Neill's Nature Preserve - Master Head Image 2


This granular surface trail forms an 880 metre loop through the O’Neill Nature Preserve, a large standing woodlot on the outskirts of Chatham.

The trail was built as a result of collaboration between a number of local organizations and individuals, including the Rotary Club of Chatham, Carolinian Canada Coalition, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, and nearby residents.

An interpretative trail with a difference, the Rotary Eco-Trail aims to educate users about the ecology of the region. Interpretative signs along the trail will provide tools to help users of all ages make a difference in the environment where they live, work, and play.

Directions: The...

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