This website is an information and community resource for trail runners and ultra runners of all abilities and levels of interest. You can contribute races, enter race reports, and participate in the trail running forum. Read more about this site here.
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Trail & Ultra Running Forums
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Best Trail Running Shoes
- If you're new to the idea of trail running, or for a re-validation of why you should keep at it, read this short "ode" to the joys of running the backcountry.
Ultra Runner Bios:
Karl Meltzer
Scott JurekAnton Krupicka
Tim TwietmeyerDarcy Africa
Nikki KimballKami Semick
Krissy Moehl
Article: Blister Free Long Distance Running - Cathy Tibbetts explains step-by-step how she runs ultra-marathons without getting any blisters.
Ontario Trail Races
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MonthRace NameEventsLocationNear
MaySulphur Springs Trail Run100 mi, 50 mi, 50 km, 25 km, 10 kmON, CanadaAncaster
MayHardwood Trail Running Series Race #110 km, 5 kmON, CanadaBarrie
JuneMEC 5 Peaks Trail Series - Camp Fortune12 km, 6 kmON, CanadaOttawa
JuneThe Phlox Run25 km, 10 km, 6 kmON, CanadaBrantford, Ontario
JuneGUSH Run or Hike for Water10 km, 5 kmON, CanadaBlue Mountains
JulyThe Limberlost Challenge56 kmON, CanadaHuntsville
JulyThe North Face Endurance Challenge – Ontario50 mi, 50 km, 26.2 mi, 13.1 mi, 10 km, 5 kmON, CanadaToronto
AugustThe Moose Ultra300 kmON, CanadaTobermory
AugustHardwood Trail Running Series Race #410 km, 5 km, 1.5 kmON, CanadaBarrie
AugustMiddle Path Ultra and Trail Race52 km, 26 kmON, CanadaPeterborough
SeptemberHaliburton Forest Trail Runs100 mi, 50 mi, 50 km, 26 kmON, CanadaHaliburton
SeptemberMEC 5 Peaks Trail Series - Albion21 km, 15 km, 6 kmON, CanadaAlbion Hills
SeptemberRun Off the Grid Trail Run2550 kmON, Canadamattawa
SeptemberChase the Coyote14.4 kmON, Canada
SeptemberRagnar Trail Cottage Country-ON, Presented by Salomon120 miON, CanadaToronto
SeptemberNo Hassholes Left Behind50 km, 30 km, 20 km, 10 kmON, Canadawawa
OctoberRun for the Toad50 km, 25 km, 12.5 miON, CanadaCambridge
OctoberMuskoka Mud Run8 kmON, CanadaBracebridge
OctoberPhoenix Trail Races50 km, 25 kmON, CanadaLondon
OctoberMad Dog Scramble8 kmON, CanadaToronto