Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail

Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail - Master Head Image 1
Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail - Master Head Image 2
Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail - Master Head Image 3


A 9-km trail extending from Pinery Park to Grand Bend along the Highway 21 corridor.

We have collectively raised money for the Rotary Nature Trail, a biking/hiking trail all the way from Grand Bend to the Pinery Provincial Park. A 9 km. trail extending from Pinery Provincial Park to Grand Bend alongside highway 21. The trail winds through meadow wildflowers and lies between the Pinery Provincial Park and highway 21. It was created and funded by the Grand Bend Rotary Club.

Directions: The trail starts at the entrance to the Pinery Provincial Park and can be accessed at any point between there...

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