Calabogie The Old K & P (North)
City: RenfrewLength: 55.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Believe it or not, California Road exists. It is found in the Municipality of Lanark Highlands, in Darling Ward, south of White Lake. Although this road is well recognized and publicized on local maps and, it has a long history in the annuals of local settlement, it goes through some very wild Canadian Shield country and is a very rough, unmaintained road, passable only with any vehicle that has at least twelve inches clearance. California Road makes a very good walking trail.
You can park at the beginning of the road and start walking until you tire...
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Calabogie The Old K & P (North)
City: RenfrewLength: 55.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Fortune Sugarbush Trails
City: AlmonteLength: 2.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Burnstown - Stewartville
City: CalabogieLength: 21.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Kate's Lake Trail
City: AlmonteLength: 8.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Lavant Trail
Length: 20.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Evergreen Mountain Trail
City: CalabogieLength: 20.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Baird Trail
City: AlmonteLength: 0.8 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
Blueberry Mountain Trail
City: LanarkLength: 5.0 kmRegion: Haliburton Highlands to the Ottawa Valley
If you have any corrections or new information you'd like to send us, we'd love your input. Also, any photos or videos you may have taken of your adventures on this or any other trail are welcome as well. Be a part of our trail community!
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