Haldimand Conservation Area Trail
City: SelkirkRegion: Southwest Ontario
The Cayuga Grand Vista is a looped route that has parking at the Courthouse, 55 Munsee St. in Cayuga. Users can walk down the off-road route to the bridge and take in the beautiful views of the Grand River. The loop continues over the bridge to a second parking lot off King George St. Users can head east on King George into Cayuga through town and back to the Courthouse or west to the on-road route to River Road. Here cyclist join the Green Route to either Caledonia or east/southeast on the route.
Distance: 3.2km
Surface: Granular
Cross Slope: 2%
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Haldimand Conservation Area Trail
City: SelkirkRegion: Southwest Ontario
River Route Cycling Loop
City: CayugaLength: 69.0 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Wheeler's Walk Trail
City: SelkirkLength: 2.0 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Rotary Riverside Trail
City: CaledoniaLength: 5.7 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Cayuga Grand Vista Trail
City: CayugaLength: 3.2 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Lakeview Tour Cycling Route
City: FishervilleLength: 70.0 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Byng Island Conservation Area Trail
City: DunnvilleLength: 1.0 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
Hedley Forest Trail
City: CanfieldLength: 4.0 kmRegion: Southwest Ontario
If you have any corrections or new information you'd like to send us, we'd love your input. Also, any photos or videos you may have taken of your adventures on this or any other trail are welcome as well. Be a part of our trail community!
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